Youth & Child Safety
The Child and Youth Safety Committee (CYSC) was created as TLC is committed to the safety of its children and youth. TLC seeks to create a safe church environment that protects and nurtures all children and youth involved in our ministries.
Some of the responsibilities for the CYSC include:
Preparing and educating adults for ministry with our children and youth
Verifying current background clearances
Overseeing the implementation of the Child and Youth Safety Policy (CYSP)
The policy defines several levels of adult involvement with children and youth, with each level requiring different levels of approvals and clearances. At least one Approved Adult is required for all children and youth activities and in some cases, a second Approved Adult or a Trusted Adult is required. A Non-Approved Adult may be involved only if the requirements for Approved and/or Trusted Adult are met.
Approved Adult - anyone 18 years of age or older who has completed the application procedure for Approved Adults, including obtaining the required background clearances and completing the applicable training.
Trusted Adult - anyone 18 years of age or older present and assisting in a church-sponsored child or youth program or activity who has obtained the required background clearances.
Non-Approved Adult - anyone 18 years of age or older present and assisting in a church-sponsored child or youth program or activity who has not obtained background clearances.
Volunteers may present valid background certifications obtained for other employment or volunteer situations.
Adult Volunteers (18 and up)
Approved Adults (ex. employees, Sunday School teachers, key VBS leaders)
TLC requires that adults responsible for the care, supervision, guidance, or control of children during routine interaction with children become Approved Adults. All church employees or rostered leaders must also become Approved Adults. The process is as follows:
Complete the Adult Application Form
Provide to the church officials copies of valid background clearances located in the TLC Adult Application Form - Additional Information
Provide to the church officials a copy of successful completion of a Mandated Reporter training
Further details on the application process is in the CYSP and information on the clearances and how to obtain them is in TLC Adult Application Form - Additional Information.
Trusted Adults (ex. other VBS and Sunday School volunteers/assistants)
A trusted adult needs to provide copies of the three background clearances noted in TLC Adult Application Form - Additional Information.
Non-Approved Adults
CAN still volunteer! Non-approved adults volunteer as needed for specific events and are not alone with kids. No paperwork is required.
Volunteers Under 18 Years of Age
Volunteers under 18 years of age are not required to provide any certifications, but do need to fill out the Volunteer Form for Minors.
When you have completed the Approved Adult Application form or have any of the required clearances or other forms, they may be emailed to or delivered to the church office. If delivered to the church office, please place in an envelope to preserve confidentiality. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to