TLC: Tender Loving Care
Sharing words of inspiration and hope
We are excited to offer this blog as way to share God’s presence in our lives and community. Twice a month, we will post inspiring stories about your experiences at Temple Lutheran. Perhaps you attended café and were moved by the discussion. You spent time helping at the food pantry and witnessed a kindness that may move others. Something Pastor Tim shared in a sermon helped you to learn a new perspective. You have a recipe that has been passed down for generations and a story to go with it.
Temple Lutheran is a place for us to worship yet is so much more than that. We are a caring community that uplifts and supports each other. We pray that this blog provides you with strength and hope for 2024 and can't wait to hear your stories!
Please reach out to Lisa Schneller @ lisaschneller23@gmail.com to post on our blog.